Hi! Are you an existing SWA Ultimate member who wants to join Team Manny Viloria (TMV)? Please read this important note.
If you’re an existing SWA Ultimate member, then you may not join TMV.
Please support your existing SWA Upline, because TMV’s SWA-Gold Group will accept only First-Time SWA accounts. We do not encourage you, an existing SWA Member, to get a 2nd SWA account, just so that you can enjoy all the benefits of TMV members.
Now if you’re mainly interested in accessing the online marketing tips published inside the private Team Manny Viloria group in Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/mannyviloria/), then please refer to the following instructions.
Simply do the following:
1. Visit http://AyawKongMagBlog.com
2. Enter your Name and Email Address, and then follow the instructions on how to get the Ignition Marketing Online Prosperity Training (IM-OPT) online video tutorial product.
3. Email your Name and Facebook profile page (our is http://fb.com/viloriadotnet) to info@swamazing.com (Please put in the Subject line: TRC – TMV Facebook Group)
4. Please visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/mannyviloria and click on the “Join Group” link.
Please note the following:
- You will be given access to the content inside
https://www.facebook.com/groups/mannyviloria within 48 hours after we verify that your IM-OPT purchase was credited to AyawKongMagBlog.com
But if you’re not yet a SWA Member, meaning:
a) You don’t have an existing SWA Upline and
b) You haven’t already communicated with someone else regarding SWA Ultimate…
…then please see check out the exciting mentoring/training benefits of joining Team Manny Viloria in this webpage:
Kind regards,
Manny Viloria