Curious about a BS Business Admin graduate’s real estate management path?
I enrolled in the BS Real Estate Management course at the Lyceum of Alabang. It’s my second course, and the purely online class offering allows me to earn this second degree as I prepare for the Board Licensure Exam for Real Estate Brokers (BLEREB).
Since my business administration and accounting subjects in the first course were credited, that means I can finish the BSREM course in 3 semesters.
My first sem (which is the 2nd sem, schoolyear 2020-2021) began in March 2021. There are 27 units, and the tuition is P40,000.
That translates to 3 hours of synchronous classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. There are 6 hours of asynchronous sessions on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Asynch means self-study, or the occasional group work where you discuss lessons or interview a Property Manager.
Next sem, I’ll have 30 units. The sem after that will be 6 units (practicum).
At the moment, I’m trying to wrap my head around the differences among these terms:
Fee Simple
Bundle of Rights
I’ll have to systematic about this, so once I get over my procrastination I’ll build a table that compares the different definitions.
That’s it for now, because I need to review or cram for the pre-final exams (9 subjects!).
If you’re interested, the Lyceum of Alabang has a Facebook page where you can message them your inquiries. The online class system is handled by Brokerspaces Business Solutions, Inc.