Q: “Manny, why do people not buy from me? Why do they keep saying next time, or they don’t have time, or they don’t have the money nor the budget yet?”
A: “Most likely, according to Seth Godin, your product is not a priority for them.”
Q: “But it’s a great product! It helps me and a lot of other people, and I’m sure it will help them! Why are they not prioritizing the product I’m recommending?”
A: “You offered the product to someone who is not like you. To people who do not share similar interests as yours. Or to those who want to do other things.”
Q: “Am I hopeless? Will I never succeed in affiliate marketing? Am I just a noisy taho (soybean) vendor, shouting my lungs out, and seeing no one come out of their homes to buy my taho?”
A: “There’s always HOPE. You were offering your taho in the wrong neighborhood. You can adjust that.”
Q: “Where can I find the right neighborhood? Where can I find promising leads and excited customers?”
A: “Shift your mindset. Change your question.”
Q: “You mean… I shouldn’t look for customers?”
A: “Try this instead: Let the RIGHT customers find you.”

Q: “How will I know if someone is the right customer? What if it’s just a Skrull trying to appear like someone else?”
A: “Carol Danvers was sometimes able to tell if someone was the real person, or just a shape-shifting alien trying to trick her. She did it by closely observing the behavior of the person.”
Q: “How can I observe the behavior of people in social media? I can’t even see them. I don’t even hear their voice.”
A: “Try making a simple test, and see if they will make the effort to go out of their home, so to speak, and buy some taho.”
Q: “Can you give me a concrete example that’s directly applicable here in social media?”
A: “Sure! Try posting non-clickable links. If someone makes the effort to manually type the website address into their laptop or smartphone because they want to see what your offer is all about, then chances are pretty good that person is a serious customer and not just a curious tire-kicker.”
Q: “Whoa! Do you have other affiliate marketing tips?”
A: “Yes! And I’ll publish those gems inside the One Negosyo MDC Mastermind Group in the coming weeks.”
Q: “Can I message you and get more info about how to gain access to the #OneNegosyo MDC Mastermind Group for Affiliate Marketers?”
A: “Sure! Feel free to message me.”
Next: Check out the MDC Community for Affiliate Marketers!
Kind regards,
Manny M. Viloria
OneNegosyo.com – Tara, mag online business na tayo! Download your FREE “Pinoy Marketer’s Guide to Digital Selling” ebook today!
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