A piece of software isn’t going to make you into a great writer but the right software might improve the writing experience. Scrivener is a $40 software application that boasts plenty of features that writers should appreciate. With functions to assist both writers of fiction and non-fiction, Scrivener should be highly sought after.
I have had the chance to hear from a few writers and ask how they write their books. They each seem to have different methods, some just keep it all in their heads while others use index cards and physical notes. For me, sitting in front of Microsoft Word and typing out a novel just seems like a daunting task. With the complexity of a story, it seems like you have to have a system. Since I’m not a practiced (nor published) long form writer, I figure I might as well learn a new system and see what it can do for me.
This is where Scrivener comes in and separates itself from your standard word processor…
More Here – Scrivener, a specialized word processor for writers