Some people are asking why they should pay P2,500 to get access to the Supreme Wealth Alliance Ultimate online library of ebooks, when they can simply download ebooks for free online. Here’s my shocking eye-opening answer…
When I saw the long list of SWA Ultimate ebooks, I stared at this ONE ebook title and immediately saw that that single ebook alone was definitely worth P2,500 for me. Little did I know at that time that SWA would turn out to be more than just an online library of ebooks.
It’s also about Community and Engagement.
Sure, you can surf the web and download thousands of ebooks for free. But you’ll be doing that all by your lonesome self.
And all you’ll end up with is a lonely collection of thousands of unread ebooks sitting in your external hard drive.
Inside SWA, on the other hand, we get to interact with thousands of other SWA customers. We ask each other question, and we help one another find solutions.
That’s more exciting that surfing the net by yourself and self-congratulating yourself for downloading so many free ebooks.
And here’s what some more magic happens…
As more people ask questions and find answers, those who were previously just asking questions eventually gain the confidence to provide answers to other people.
More people discover how they, too, can become people for others.
We not only help you help yourself, we also inspire you to help others.
Some people are just staring at the ebook library. Others may be simply focusing on the pay plan. I challenge you to look at the BIG picture.
We’re not here to simply help ourselves and our family. We are here to help serve others.
And in today’s extremely busy world, this idealistic vision of helping thousands of strangers becomes achievable through the power of the internet and online publishing. That’s why some of us SWA customers provide tutorials on blogging and online marketing.
You’ve read this far, and something tells me you are also someone who wants to make a difference in this world. You are a kindred spirit who knows the value of gaining skills in order to provide value to countless others.
I encourage you to read Ebook #208 inside the SWA Ultimate online library of ebooks. And do feel free to later post your questions in the public and open Facebook Group. Surely, you will join the growing community of people energized with the exciting realization that we can now help other people.
To get more information on how to get access to the online library of SWA, click here.
To Your Success!
Kind regards,
Manny Viloria
Your Fellow SWA Customer